Ready Set Goals!
Goals-The Easy Way™ - Part 4 Personally, I do not like anything that is either long or complex. I want it simple. So I have established a simple plan to get started on your goal setting journey. It is goal setting the EASY WAY:
Suggestion: select a "goal buddy" and help them achieve their goals as they help you achieve yours. In conclusion:
Look out for Distractors! – Part 3
Like anything worthwhile in life, there are enemies hiding in the bushes waiting to stomp out your plans and goals. You must be aware of the enemies that will come to call when you take the first step on your journey towards setting goals. The greatest enemy of setting and accomplishing goals is negative thinking. Things like:
Antidote for Negative Thinking
“Discipline is the bridge between goals and accomplishments” –Jim Rohn, Author Goal setting made simple - Part 2
Let’s start with…what exactly is a goal? It is:
Goals = Success; if you want success, set goals.
“Goals determines your thoughts. Thoughts determine your life” -Anonymous The second essential step in finding fulfillment in your life - setting realistic goals - Part 1
We have all heard about the importance of setting goals. We may have read books, attended seminars, learned about it in college or at professional development session. But how many of us actually set and achieve goals? The next series of my blog will be about simple and successful goal setting. But first, let’s look at some questions that I have heard. Why do we need to set goals? Setting goals will provide focus and will guarantee that you will achieve what you have set forth to accomplish. Should I have goals for all areas of my life? YES! Set goals for your physical, professional, social and spiritual life. Take control of where you want your life to go. As opposed to the alternative of allowing life to take you ‘wherever’. How do I find the time in my busy schedule to set goals? If you want to be productive in all areas of your life, you need to take control of your time, make a commitment and be disciplined in setting your goals. How do I get started? That’s where I come in. I will help you break down the process into baby steps that will enable you to establish a goal-setting program for your life. “If you work at what you love you will never work a day in your life.” Harvey Mackay, Author WOW! Can you imagine waking up on any given day and saying, “I can’t wait to get to work today?” Experts say that about 80% of us are not fulfilled in our careers. That’s sad and much too high of a statistic for us to stand by and do nothing. We all should strive to be in the 20% but if you are not, there are steps to take to get you there. Whether you are a Millennial or a Boomer or somewhere in between, you can live the life you were meant to live. So let’s continue on this path to identifying a profession tailor made-for growing your potential. This blog will deal with the importance of a vision and how to write an ideal job description for your new life. (If you have not completed the exercises in the previous two blogs, please do so before proceeding to this exercise.) The exercises you previously completed will function as a blueprint on how to identify a job that will fit both your natural abilities and your learned skills. This is a vital step in helping you begin envisioning your ideal job. Write the vision down – Step 2 Without a vision, you relinquish control of your life. Life’s circumstances will take you where they want you to go, instead of you taking your life where you want it to go. So what will it be? Do you want to take charge and set a vision around your potential and live a desirous life? If the answer is “yes” then you have some work to do. Taking it step by step will allow you to live out your potential easily. Why wait; now is the day to begin. Just start one step at a time. Life flies by and before you know it, you will be in a place of resentment because you never started the process. Procrastination is not your friend! Kick him out of your head as soon as he appears. Let’s take some more “baby steps” on the road to maximizing your potential: #1 Daydream! About what you think you would love to do for a living. Do you know someone who is living the life you want? When you are gathering with friends, who do you stop to socialize with - the accountants, the investment bankers, the writers, the recruiters? Which careers do you find interesting? What have you always found fascinating? It is important to take the time to “daydream” about your perfect job because it will help you make a list of the tasks that you would enjoy performing. #2 What a Great Fit! As important as it is to identify your ideal job, it is just as important to identify what type of environment will help you thrive. Begin to think about the culture of the company that best fits your personality. Is it small, large, formal, informal, corporate, or nonprofit? Where do you prefer to work? – at home, on-site, in the city, in the suburbs? What type of people do you want to associate with at work - artistic, analytical, technical, or marketing-oriented? You don’t want to plant flowers that will wilt in the sun or dry up in the shade. You want to bloom where you are planted. After you have completed these two exercises you basically have your ideal job description written. #3 What if? You may ask, what if I have chosen a career that needs specialized training and I cannot afford it? Try researching parallel roles that will still utilize your skills and fulfill your desires. You may be attracted to the medical profession but cannot attend or pay for medical school. Don’t give up on the dream; identify a job in the field that does not require the educational and financial commitments. For example, instead of being a doctor perhaps you can become a nurse practitioner, or a medical technician, or work in a hospital in social work or patient care. If you drill down, you will find a role that will use your natural abilities and skills in a career and environment you desire. Putting your potential to work for you will require patience, time, and commitment but in the end, it is worth it! Stay tuned for my next blog, which will be on developing “The Plan”. “Where there is no counsel, the people fall: but in the multitude of counselors, there is safety.” Proverbs
Are you ready to begin your next step in identifying the ideal career that will tap your potential? If so, you will need to select a group of wise counselors to surround and support you. “No man is an island,” which means we need one another. The importance of surrounding yourself with a support group is paramount to finding your sweet spot in life. If you do not have a “community” in place, it’s a great time to start building one. It should be made up of those who know you well and are positive influences in your life. It is important to exclude those people you know who may discourage you or dwell on your negatives. We are looking for intuitive, trustworthy, and upbeat individuals who have either worked with you or have known you for some time. Simultaneously, be careful with whom you share your dreams and goals; you need encouragement to grow and not words sent to discourage you and slow you down. If you want to be successful in tapping into your potential, be sure to develop and use only a small community of wise counselors you can trust with your goals. Input from your friends/family – Step 2 #1 After you make your lists from part 1, select three to five people in your newly developed community. (Remember to be sure they are upbeat and encouraging.) After you have made your selection, ask them to make a list of what they perceive to be your natural talents and skills, and in what jobs/careers they think you would excel. #2 When you receive this information from those individuals, analyze it and start to find the common thread in their comments. Finally, compare the compiled list with the one you did for yourself. Ask yourself - where are the similarities are and what stands out? Now you should now have a good idea of your top talents and skills and what you enjoy doing. Congratulations! You are now ready to put your hard work to use by writing your “ideal job description,” which we will outline in part 3 of Got Potential? How often have we asked ourselves: Is this all there is to work? Why don’t I enjoy my job? How can I be more satisfied? If you have asked one (or all) of these questions, you are in a great silent majority. From Millennials to Boomers, people have pondered these questions for decades.
Is this all there is to work? Well, I have good news for you. That isn’t all there is. If you want to feel fulfilled and successful, you have to take some steps to find your true potential. “If you work at what you love you will never work a day in your life,” said Harvey Mackay, a renowned author. How right he is; if you do what you love, you will not feel like you are dragging yourself through your work day. Can you picture yourself on a rainy Monday morning saying, “thank God it’s Monday!!” If you can’t, then you need to read on and follow my series of blog posts. Finding your Potential – Step One. How do you go about finding your true potential? The first thing I do with my clients is help them identify their natural abilities. These are the abilities or talents that come “factory installed” (you are born with them and they come easily to you.) Beyoncé has a natural ability to sing. Derek Jeter is a natural athlete and leader. We might not be Beyoncé or Derek Jeter but we do have our own unique talents that we are meant to use. People who discover their abilities and allow them to work for them are the ones who find fulfillment in their lives. Some of you might be saying, “I don’t have natural talent or abilities,” but you do! Each of us view our natural talents as humdrum. We assume everyone else has them and that what we have is really not that special. But this view, albeit universal, is very, very wrong. You have your abilities for a purpose and it is your responsibility to identify them and put them to use for the greater good (and for your own fulfillment.) #1 The first step we all need to take is to make a list with two columns. On one side, list what you perceive to be your natural gifts/talents. On the other side, indicate the ones you enjoy the most by ranking them on a scale of 1-5, with five being the highest. #2 Secondly, identifying your skills, which are the things that you have learned during your life and career. Divide this section of your paper into three columns. In the first column, make a list of what you perceive to be your skills. In the second column, rank them according to your strength in that area. Please use a scale of 1-5, five being your strongest. In the third column, rank them on how much you enjoy them using the same scale of 1-5, five being the most enjoyable (even though you are skilled in an area, you may not enjoy it.) In my next blog post we will continue on this journey to fulfillment. Stay tuned! |
Meet meI'm Rosemarie Rowley and I'm here to help you reach your greatest potential. Archives
August 2016
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